Wes A Hediger|

Software Developer
Denver, CO

_wes.hediger@gmail.com_ Copied!
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Wes Hediger

Denver, CO 80209

PH: (720)722-1064

email: wes.hediger@gmail.com

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picture of wes hediger

about me:

I am a professional knowledge user, lifelong learner and software developer. I’m fascinated by the digital world and have a broad understanding of computers. I’m looking to contribute my passions as a developer to the common goals of a good group of people. I also enjoy cooking(eating), camping, archery, community involvement, the arts, spending time with people and creating things.

about this website:

This site is a combination of functionality and personal enjoyment...

It is known that some of the methods/designs used may not be appropriate for commercial use.

under construction
I still need to:

  • finish content
  • test cross browser compatibility
  • create and fine tune responsive and adaptive design

wes hediger's resume
download .pdf

under construction

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